Getting Your Finances Back On Track After The Festive Season

Have you overspent at Christmas? Don’t beat yourself up about it—it’s the holidays, after all. Here’s how to get your finances back on track after the festive season. The parties came and went. You spent too much on food, presents, or perhaps a holiday trip. Chances are, your bank balance is not looking good after […]
Private Health Insurance: What Is It & Do I Need It?

As premiums of private health insurance rise faster than wages or inflation, most Australians—young ones in particular—are discarding private health insurance, not considering it a top priority. In 2018, the number of young adults taking out health insurance dropped by nearly 7%. Should they reconsider? Is private health insurance worth the investment? What Is Private […]
5 Ways To Prevent Credit Card Fraud

As technology progresses, credit card fraud has become a real danger in an online-based society. Imagine one morning you wake up with charges you didn’t make on a maxed-out account. While there’s no guarantee you’ll never be a victim, here are five ways you can take to prevent credit card fraud and reduce your risk. […]
How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift in 2021

Weddings are always a joyous and beautiful celebration, no matter how well you know the couple. However, even if your food and drinks are provided on the day, it can still be a costly event by the time you find an outfit, organise transport and most importantly, buy the wedding gift. If you’re not sure […]
6 Steps to Achieving Financial Freedom

Stepping on the path to financial freedom is not as quick as in Google Maps, where you can plan your route and account for any traffic on the way. Unless you’re a lottery winner, you have to exert time, hard work and sacrifice to be financially independent. Perhaps that doesn’t sound fun, but even lottery […]
Go Green & Save Money

Want to become more environmentally friendly? Helping Mother Earth isn’t the only benefit of going green. Using fewer resources and less energy can be as good for your savings as it is for the environment, so there are plenty of great reasons to switch to sustainable living. These are just some of the ways you […]
Cash Advance Vs Payday Loans: What’s the Difference

Can’t decide whether to take out a cash advance or payday loan? Given how may financial options are now available, finding the right one for your circumstances can be a confusing process. Cash advance loans and payday loans both have different benefits and conditions. To help you make the right decision, learn more about each […]
How to Make Centrelink Income Work for You

One of the many benefits of living in Australia is our country’s welfare system, Centrelink. Although it provides a financial safety net when you’re underemployed or unemployed, living purely on Centrelink income can be tough, but not impossible with careful budgeting. If all else fails in the short term, we do offer loans for those […]
5 Ways to Prevent Credit Card Fraud

As technology progresses, credit card fraud has become a real danger in today’s online-based society. Imagine one morning waking up to charges you didn’t make and hefty overdraft fees. While there’s no guarantee you’ll never be a victim, here are 5 ways you can try and prevent credit card fraud. #1: Secure Your Computer Systems […]
The Best Shopping Apps to Save You Money in 2020

Now more than ever, it’s so important to save money where we can. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the best shopping apps to save money in Australia around Christmas. Shopback Want to get paid each time you shop? Well, with Shopback you can. Shopback’s 5 million+ members accumulate cash each […]