Credit Score Myths BUSTED!

Credit Score Myths BUSTED - Cigno Loans

Lenders look at your credit score to evaluate the potential risk of loaning you money — or simply put, your creditworthiness. Rumour has it that the higher your score, the more financially trustworthy you are. Now, this has a probability to be true, but what about the other data we’re not so sure of. You […]

New Rules On Your Payment Summary (Group Certificate)

New Rules About Your Payment Summary (Group Certificate) - Cigno Loans

Employers have to give employees a summary of their income for the past year at the end of each financial year (EOFY). This is ‘payment summary’, also known as ‘group certificate’ or ‘pay as you go (PAYG) payment summary’. Payment summaries are required by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for record-keeping. for employer for employees […]