Top Tips To Help You Save Fuel

The price of petrol is constantly fluctuating, which means a trip to the service station is usually more expensive that you’d like. Luckily, there are several ways to save petrol, so these costly detours to the servo can have a smaller impact on your budget. Feel like you pour too much of your money straight […]
How To Improve Your Credit Score

How To Improve Your Credit Score It’s hard to overstate the value of having great credit. Like a master key, it opens the door to a wide range of opportunities! Everything from mortgages to car loans become easier to acquire. Ultimately, thanks to the financial savings on interest you encounter, an awesome credit rating is […]
Credit Score Myths BUSTED!

Lenders look at your credit score to evaluate the potential risk of loaning you money — or simply put, your creditworthiness. Rumour has it that the higher your score, the more financially trustworthy you are. Now, this has a probability to be true, but what about the other data we’re not so sure of. You […]
10 Easily Forgotten Expenses

According to a study, it appears most Australians can’t tell the exact amount they spend on expenses. As a result, they usually forget to include some into their budget. The following are the easily forgotten expenses on a regular basis. 1. Annual physical We are supposed to have an annual physical and go to the […]
New Rules On Your Payment Summary (Group Certificate)

Employers have to give employees a summary of their income for the past year at the end of each financial year (EOFY). This is ‘payment summary’, also known as ‘group certificate’ or ‘pay as you go (PAYG) payment summary’. Payment summaries are required by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for record-keeping. for employer for employees […]
Salary Sacrifice: What Is It And How Does It Work?

A salary sacrifice arrangement (salary packaging or total remuneration packaging) is an arrangement between employer and employee — the employee agrees to forgo part of his future entitlement to salary or wages. In return, the employer provides the employee with benefits of the same value. Salary sacrifice reduces your taxable income and the amount of […]
Emergency Savings Fund! How Much Is Enough?

“Those who prepared for all the emergencies of life beforehand may equip themselves at the expense of joy.” — E. M. Forster No matter how good things are, it can always go bad. It could be a family emergency, a medical exigency, or a car breakdown. You could weather these storms with an emergency savings […]
Self-Managed Super Fund: Managing Your Superannuation

Thinking about managing your own super? It can be a rewarding process to manage your super fund, and not just in a financial sense. The most important aspect is you are in control. You make all the decisions, which means the fund will directly reflect your individual needs. Self-managed super funds (SMSF) A self-managed super […]
Managing Your Centrelink Income

One of the many benefits of living in Australia is our country’s welfare system, Centrelink. Although it provides a financial safety net when you’re underemployed or unemployed, living purely on Centrelink income can be tough, but not impossible with careful budgeting. If all else fails in the short term, we do offer loans for those […]
Cheap Holidays and Where To Find Them

Overdue for a holiday? Itching for some time away from home with the family or just your significant other? We’ve all had the feeling of needing a getaway. But when finances are tight, it can be tricky to put some time and money aside for a “proper” holiday By choosing the right place and booking […]