How a Cash Advance Can Help You After a Disaster

In 2017, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a statement claiming that that nearly 1 out of every 3 Australian households was over-indebted. That number that has grown by 8% from 2003 – 2016. Being in debt is difficult on its own, but imagine being in debt when a natural disaster strikes. Earthquakes, floods, destructive winds, road […]
Why No Credit Check Loans are Your Solution to Unexpected Expenses

Nearly 1 out of every 5 Australians would struggle to come up with $500-$1000 to cover an emergency expense. That means when a tyre pops, an injury occurs, or a roof needs repair, almost 20% of the country is left scratching their head, wondering what to do. For many people, the solution to this problem is obtaining […]
How to Lower Small Loan Interest Rates

There’s nothing wrong with having to take out a loan. In fact, it can be a great way for entrepreneurs to acquire the money they need to get their business off the ground. However, people tend to run into problems when they don’t properly budget for paying back the money they borrow. Sometimes, though, it’s […]
Common Requirements for Fast Cash Loans

With more Australians than ever currently in debt, chances are that there have been a few times in your life when you just wish you could get your paycheck early. Maybe you need to make an important purchase. Perhaps you’ve been faced with unexpected medical challenges, are currently unable to work, or just need a little help […]
Understanding Different Types Of Small Loans

Small loans are used everywhere in the world in a number of applications. Find out more about what Cigno Quick & Fast Cash Loans can do for you. There’s some really helpful information on our website if you’re thinking about applying for a Loan. When money drama strikes, sometimes the only way to adhere to […]
What is a Centrelink Loan

In a nutshell, Centrelink is a benefits program specifically fashioned for the people of Australia under the government department of Human Services. The aim of Centrelink is to offer assistance to pensioners, students, people with disabilities and those experiencing financial hardships, lower income or unemployment. Sometimes, a Centrelink loan, otherwise known as an Advance Payment, […]
8 Reasons for a Rainy Day Emergency Fund

As the saying goes, “Life happens.” Even if everything is going well, there are unfortunate situations that may arise. When calamity strikes, you want to be prepared. One of the best ways to do this is to have an emergency savings fund. It can be the difference between a disaster and just a bump in […]
How to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Has your wallet been tightening it’s belt lately? Are you looking for ways to save money so you have more to spend for the holidays? Saving money is possible and even easier than you would think. All it takes is a little planning and diligence. With the holiday season coming up, you want to know […]
How to Save While Traveling

The best ways to save some dollars while travelling are: opt for budget airlines, avoid travelling long distance by train, share the rides, opt for a cheap rental car or hire a car outside city limits, use a smart card for public transport and use public transport to airport. “Who claims that it’s too expensive […]
How to Save on Moving Costs

Moving can be a very stressful and difficult time. is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do reduce your stress during a move and make sure that you have planned for the costs involved Finding a new home can be challenging, let alone having to think about packing, moving and unpacking. However, new research from […]