Here’s Why You Should Be Budgeting

A lot of people often ask, why bother budgeting? There are plenty of reasons! Budget setting can be a very powerful tool in saving money and achieving financial independence. This blog post will outline some of the most effective ways to budget, in order to reach your monetary goals. We will get into the nitty […]
Save on Flights for Your Next Holiday

Planning a family holiday on a budget? Before you do, take a look at the below blog post for some helpful hints on how to squeeze every penny. We can’t always afford holidays, but we certainly need the relaxation. Whether you are trying to fly locally or abroad, there’s a bunch of clever ways you […]
How to Lower Small Loan Interest Rates

There’s nothing wrong with having to take out a loan. In fact, it can be a great way for entrepreneurs to acquire the money they need to get their business off the ground. However, people tend to run into problems when they don’t properly budget for paying back the money they borrow. Sometimes, though, it’s […]
Why It’s So Hard to Save on Low Income

When you’re in your 20s, you will most likely be on a limited income. You may even be struggling on a minimum wage. That’s a problem because according to experts, you should be saving up to 20 percent of your income each month. This means experts recommend that a significant portion of your income is stored […]
Decorate Your Home In Style, While On A Budget!

Renovating your home can be very expensive, particularly if there are structural issues at play. Sometimes, these renovations need to be set back by weeks, months or years to ensure you have the finances to cover the cost. But when you are in the headspace of renovating, all you really want to do is get […]
Strange Ways To Save!

Now that we are well and truly into 2018, what are you doing to keep those coins in your back pocket? Looking to buy a house? A new car? A splurge item? Whatever is on your ‘need’ or ‘want’ list is achievable, you just need to know how. Not purchasing the smaller items like coffees […]
What is a Centrelink Loan

In a nutshell, Centrelink is a benefits program specifically fashioned for the people of Australia under the government department of Human Services. The aim of Centrelink is to offer assistance to pensioners, students, people with disabilities and those experiencing financial hardships, lower income or unemployment. Sometimes, a Centrelink loan, otherwise known as an Advance Payment, […]
How to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Has your wallet been tightening it’s belt lately? Are you looking for ways to save money so you have more to spend for the holidays? Saving money is possible and even easier than you would think. All it takes is a little planning and diligence. With the holiday season coming up, you want to know […]
How to Save While Traveling

The best ways to save some dollars while travelling are: opt for budget airlines, avoid travelling long distance by train, share the rides, opt for a cheap rental car or hire a car outside city limits, use a smart card for public transport and use public transport to airport. “Who claims that it’s too expensive […]
5 Simple Credit Card Debt Solutions

You have a huge amount of credit card debt, and you have no idea how you’re going to pay it off. In fact, the amount you owe is so overwhelming that you’ve been avoiding the issue altogether. If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone in your stress. In fact, the average Australian […]