When You Shouldn’t Apply for Same Day Payday Loans

Same day payday loans, as well as payday loans in general, tend to have a lot of stigma around them. However, payday loans can be an excellent alternative with emergency financial situations arise. But when are same day payday loans a good idea, and when are they more hassle than beneficial? We put together a guide […]
You Can Get Out of Debt with These Money-Saving Tips

So you want to get a jump start on figuring out how to get out of debt? It turns out that the Australians have around $1 trillion left in debt. This huge amount usually comes from student loans, mortgages, and credit cards. If you find yourself being one of those thousands of Australians dealing with debt, […]
Are Instant Payday Loans Instant Solutions?

If you’re wondering about whether an instant payday loan is the choice for you, check this out – we’re sharing everything you need to know about this tool. Let’s face it – we’ve all been in situations where an extra $100, $300 or even $500 could have done us a world of good, and gotten […]
Need Cash Now? 7 Ideas to Get You Through

If you need cash now, you’re probably wondering the easiest ways to get there. No worries. Here are 7 ways you can get cash fast and get back on your feet. We’ve all been in a bind when it comes to needing cash ASAP, but if you’re there now, we may have the answer for […]
Is a Paycheck Advance What You Need Now?

Things come up, and you may find yourself needing a little extra to make it through the coming weeks. Is a paycheck advance right for you? We’ll tell you here. An emergency doctor visit. The car engine blows out and needs to be completely replaced. The roof springs a leak, flooding your bedroom. These events […]
4 Situations That Actually Warrant An Emergency Cash Loan

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The Truth About Payday Loans and Credit Score

Let’s dispel a myth right now – payday loans don’t hurt your credit score. In fact, they can actually help you build credit. As one of the most controversial financial products available, a lot of questions swirl around the idea of payday loans and credit ratings. While payday loans can be incredibly helpful for those […]
How to Make Your Pay Day Loan Work for You

Sometimes pay day doesn’t quite match up to when cash is needed. Enter pay day loans. Here’s how you can use them responsibly to work for you. Pay day loans have been a lifesaver for many Australians since the economic crash of 2008. In March over 7000 Australians went bankrupt, and many in the nation […]
Emergency Cash: No Emergency Fund? Here’s What to Do

Emergencies are unexpected, and sometimes you need emergency cash to take care of them. If you need more than what you have, this guide is for you. Knowing where to find fast emergency cash can make all the difference when an urgent need comes up. Maybe a major illness strikes. Or an accident or natural […]